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Then there is Putin’s domestic repression, which was obvious before the “reset” and has increased sharply since Obama took office. The Kremlin has stolen elections, banned American couples from adopting Russian orphans, sentenced a rock band to jail, expelled foreign aid agencies and harassed the American ambassador and his family.
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Supporting the Nasdaq, shares of Apple Inc rose 2.4percent to $487.96 on news that billionaire activist investorCarl Icahn "pushed hard" for a share buyback when he had dinnerwith Apple chief executive Tim Cook on Monday.
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VW executives in the United States have said the workerswill have the final decision on whether to choose the UAW, butthey have repeatedly focused on the formal voting process. DonJackson, an industry consultant who was VW's U.S. manufacturingchief until last June, said he expects VW would only accept theunion after a confidential ballot vote by the Tennessee plant'sworkers.

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“Russia is an increasingly important market for Clean Air Power with demand for natural gas vehicles expected to grow significantly as major Russian gas companies plan to invest heavily in expanding the gas refueling network.”
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Obama and new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke bytelephone last week in the highest-level contact between thecountries in more than three decades, fuelling hopes for aresolution of Iran's decade-old nuclear standoff with the West.
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Bargnani, who was slowed by injuries during his final two seasons with the Raptors, is questionable for Monday’s preseason game in Toronto — their second visit to his previous NBA home in a week.

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While some government-prepared economic data will be delayednext week because of the shutdown, including consumer prices andhousing starts, those still scheduled include the New York Fedmanufacturing survey and Philadelphia Fed survey, both forOctober.
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While Waitkus spends her time in San Quentin teaching inmates how to plant flowers, take care of soil and prune plants, she also keeps the connection strong once they leave prison. Nationally, the recidivism rate is more than 60 percent, according to the 2011 Annual Recidivism Report.
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A judge sentenced the teenager to juvenile prison, leaving how much time he'll spend there to a juvenile parole board. The maximum would be just more than three years until he turns 21, but the parole board has the authority to let him out sooner, said Patricia Cassell, a Salt Lake County deputy district attorney.
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Incredibly, this week we learnt that Connelly is about to be released. Probation officers will advise her to cut her hair and change her name by deed poll. From a parole hostel, she will “start her reintegration back into society”. God help society. How can five years in jail be a fitting punishment for making a child’s brief life pure hell? This is the kind of joke justice that causes even the most liberal among us to unleash their inner vigilante. Knowing that Connelly, still only 32, is free to have more babies makes a stone of the heart.

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The prosecution rested its case on Wednesday after calling witnesses that included nine Afghans who had been flown to the United States to testify, among them a man who lost six of his seven children and other members of his family. Army spokeswoman Major Allison Aguilar said those witnesses had been given the opportunity to be in the courtroom but they were not present for Bales' statement. porky
"The sea is full of bodies, it's a horror without end," said the island's Mayor Giusi Nicolini in tears as victims were brought to quayside. "How much longer can this go on? This had to stop," she told Italian TV.
"The size and sophistication of the operation has shocked us and we're actually having to draft in more resources to deal with the amount of evidence that we've recovered," said detective superintendent Terry Wilson.
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Reviews for her highly anticipated novel "The Casual Vacancy," published last year, were mixed. Some praised the book, a bleak tale about class warfare and the darker sides to a community in small-town England, for tackling difficult subjects, but others said it lacked the magic touch that made Rowling's books of wizardry so popular.

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