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For most politicos, summer means recess respite and a few weeks off from shouting at the television during Question Time. For a party leader’s speechwriter it means working on a blizzard of so many conference speech drafts that you lose count of them. Spare a thought, then, for somebody you might not have heard of but have certainly heard from: Marc Stears is in for a truly terrible weekend.
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The world community developed law to protect itself from itself; to ensure that the rule of law prevailed over the rule of man, or of any of five nations afforded disproportionate power by their membership on the Security Council.

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The Egyptian army and secular elite have no right to reimpose army dictatorship while brazenly claiming its the people’s will. The people’s will was in parliament (67%), in constitution (64%) and dr morsi (52%). This coup is similar to coup by general pinochet in Chile. Dr Allende was also popularly elected, kidnapped by the army and accused of various nefarious plots all dreamt up by the coup plotters and their Washington enablers.
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In announcing the deal on Monday, the 49-year-oldmultibillionaire founder and chief executive of Inc told Post staff in an open letter: "Iwon't be leading The Washington Post day-to-day."

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