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JerryPetherick, managing director for G4S custodial and detention services, said: “The mobilisation of any prison is a complex and challenging operation but the size and scale of Oakwood – the largest prison in the country – made this even more acute.
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"This is not a time for nostalgic commemoration... The task is not done. The journey is not complete. We can and we must do more," said King's son Martin Luther King III, speaking from the precise spot where his father delivered one of American history's greatest speeches.
Diana Taurasi and Seimone Augustus were defending each other during Thursday night’s WNBA conference finals game between the Minnesota Lynx and the Phoenix Mercury. As the commentators note, Taurasi and Augustus have known each other for a very long time and there is genuine affection to complement the competition.
The European Union's top 10 banks by market capitalisationhad average coverage ratios of 58 percent at June 2013, whilethe two Spanish banks among them, Santander and BBVA had average coverage levels of 67 percent. sex videos
More interestingly, the subjectivity afforded to umpires has increasingly made them legitimate targets for criticism. Shane Warne’s Twitter attack on Dar was the latest in a growing trend.

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The Muslim Brotherhood has rejected an interim government plan to overhaul the constitution and elect a new parliament and president in six months. The Brotherhood says the leadership has no legitimacy.
"An adequate social life is the most important factor we know that protects people from depression," Tang said. "Perhaps not drinking is a sign of serious social isolation in Spain while drinking a glass of wine a day is simply a sign of having a normal social life."
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UnitedHealth said its business providing coverage foremployer-sponsored health plans is also changing, ascorporations have started shifting how they provide healthcarebenefits. Some are experimenting with sending both retirees andactive employees to private healthcare exchanges to buy theirinsurance.
"We should rethink our strategy and determine that ousting Assad is in the national interest of the United States," Doran said. " There needs to be more than words. There needs to be a strategy to oust Assad, to topple him."
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You can’t play comedy as camp and not take it serious. The only performers who seem to understand this are Trejo and Gibson, who as the madman villain gets in some excellent practice for his bad-guy role in the next "Expendables" movie.

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"They tried digging for an hour, but the problem is the stuff is so thick that they couldn't get through it," Hood River Sheriff's Office Sgt. Pete Hughes said. "We're getting chainsaws, if that's any indication."
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The measure passed by the legislature says that the Illinois authorities "shall issue" a permit to carry concealed guns to any applicant who passes a background check and takes required firearms training.
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The trio should all figure in Paul McGinley’s Ryder Cup team at Gleneagles next year. The Europe captain has put back the announcement of his three wild-card selections by 24 hours to Sept 2.
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In a statement on Monday, Patriot said it struck a deal fornew collective bargaining agreements and retiree healthcarebenefits, which members of the United Mine Workers of Americamust ratify. Terms of the deal have yet to be filed publicly onPatriot's electronic bankruptcy docket.
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Summers, a former top aide to President Barack Obama and widely regarded as a brilliant economist and a shrewd and decisive policy maker, was considered to be the front-runner for the position to replace Bernanke, whose second term expires in January.

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"I'm ready to rock. That's not an issue for me. That's all on Woody. When Woody wants me out there, I'll be out there. Whether it's the last two preseason games or not, definitely the 30th, you know what I'm saying?" Martin said Monday. "I'm going to push that much harder to play. I'm not questionable."
Every alternative trading system (ATS) has the option toregister as an exchange, but very few have, Eric Noll, who headsNasdaq's U.S. and UK transaction services, told a U.S. Senatesubcommittee in December. "One need only look at the list of SROresponsibilities and obligations that registration triggers tounderstand why so few ATSs voluntarily take that step."
The Secretary of the Commonwealth's office, which oversees elections in Massachusetts, forecast that more than 100,000 voters would turn out for the preliminary poll, well over the roughly 82,000 people who voted in the preliminary election four years ago. Bittlingmayer said there were many more unintended consequences of a higher minimum wage besides possible higher product prices. With higher wages, employers might demand an expanded skill set or offer less flexibility in workers’ hours.
"I feel for the first time in my life I am making a realdifference by coming back to Detroit," said Sarah Brithinee, 26,chief executive of Wedit, which rents out digital cameras forwedding parties and edits the footage into videos. She returnedto her hometown in 2011.

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As for now, Chipotle has identified several of its menu items—from tortilla chips to chicken cooked in soybean oil—as containing genetically modified organisms. Given the company’s preference for using organic, and locally produced ingredients, some customers were caught off-guard by the disclosure.
Once the syrup has reached the right temperature, slowly pour it in a steady stream into the meringue bowl with the beaters still running. Avoid letting the syrup touch the beaters otherwise you’ll get lumps of hardened sugar. Keep whisking until you have used up all the syrup and the meringue is glossy, thick and has cooled substantially – this may take several minutes of whisking. The bowl itself must have cooled too.
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“We’re obviously trying new things here, a different look,” Lundqvist said. “But hockey’s about – we talked about it after last game – it’s about all the small details in the game, and if you don’t do that right, it’s going to be a tough game …. If you lose the puck in the wrong areas, it’s going to cost you, and it did today. Probably four of the goals were we just lost the puck in the wrong area, and it’s deadly.”
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“Mozzie talks about fighting the ‘suits,’ but when Elizabeth was kidnapped, he went straight to the FBI office,” DeKay notes. “They all would do anything to keep the others safe. It’s a very reassuring show in that way, and I think that’s one of the reasons its appeal is so multigenerational.”
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The favoured solution involves RAG, a German state-ownedtrust that controls chemicals maker Evonik. It isexpected to buy shares itself or lend money to the KruppFoundation to preserve the blocking minority. But first,Hiesinger must seal the Steel Americas deal.
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In recent months, the plant has been beset with power outages and other problems that have led outside experts to question whether Tepco is qualified to handle the clean up, which is unprecedented due to the amount of radioactive material on the site and its coastal location.
A spike in short-term interest rates to record highs last month that economists say could spill over into the real economy through higher lending rates has also fueled worries about China's economic outlook.
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"There is no military solution to Syria," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters at the United Nations. "There is only a political solution, and that will require leadership in order to bring people to the table," he said.

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Federal Guaranty Insurance Co tapped Weil Gotshal& Manges, according to a source close to the matter, whodeclined to be named because the information was not public asof Saturday. An attorney for Weil declined to comment.
Iraq has set a daily quota limiting the influx of Syrian refugees, which sharply increased in recent months along the northern Kurdish borders where fighting has been intense between Kurdish and Islamic groups. sex videos
“Get out of the city and the lights to give yourself a chance to see them,” he says. The rule of thumb is that you should be able to see all the stars of the Big Dipper — seven stars if you are counting — to give yourself enough darkness to catch the shooting stars. And give your eyes an hour to adjust.
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Russian authorities have repeatedly denied gay activists' applications to set up a Pride House in Sochi during the games, but Alexeyev said he would apply for permission to hold a gay pride rally in Sochi on the opening day of the games anyway.
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U.S. shares were also boosted by Boeing Co., whichjumped 3.7 percent to $105.66 as an investigation of a fire thatbroke out on one of the company's 787 Dreamliners did not blamethe plane's batteries.

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