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Assad agreed to destroy Syria's chemical weapons followingglobal outrage over a sarin gas attack in the Damascus suburbslast month - the world's deadliest chemical attack in 25 years -and the U.S. military threat.
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Some computers can diagnose themselves to repair problems in the system, and Bolden hopes that new technology will enable scientists to do the same with the human body. That dream is still far in the future, however.

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Burberry shares, up 41 percent over the last year, closeddown 121 pence, or 7.6 percent, at 1,462.5 pence, valuing thebusiness at about 6.5 billion pounds. ($1 = 0.6244 British pounds) (Additional reporting by Chris Vellacott, Sinead Cruise andAstrid Wendlandt; Editing by Mark Potter)
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In the past, advertisers resisted paying for on-demand slotsbeyond three days because they felt their messages were stale,particularly when pitching movie openings or one-day sales. Butthe new technology lets networks insert fresh ads starting onday four for on-demand shows offered by some cable operators.
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Nokia was behind the success of Windows Phone, having introduced two new smartphones sold by many mobile operators around the world. Nokia is responsible for nearly 82% of all Windows Phone shipments.
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The IMF also stressed that the Bank of England should keep rates low for the forseeable future, while welcoming the Bank’s commitment to keep them on hold until unemployment falls to 7pc.
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A section of an Associated Press report also got the story very wrong.  Summarizing the pope’s comments on homosexuals in the priesthood, the AP reported: “Francis was much more conciliatory [than Pope Benedict], saying gay clergymen should be forgiven and their sins forgotten.”  
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Some have suggested the “Hard Knocks” resolution had something to do with an NFL money grab. Wrong. HBO pays NFL Films only a modest license fee to do the show. The league — or HBO — can’t even sell “Hard Knocks” merchandise. Someone trademarked the name many moons ago.
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The comScore report is inclusive of desktop traffic only. A more comprehensive report is due out next week. Though Google typically beats Yahoo handily in mobile traffic, Mayer has noted that Yahoo has seen a recent uptick in mobile.
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Alyokhina, 25, and two other Pussy Riot members were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred in August for bursting into the Russian Orthodox cathedral and belting out a "punk prayer" asking the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Putin.

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The big question is Ukraine, economically and politicallythe most important of the partnership countries. Despitepressure on trade, including key gas supplies from Russia, whichsees Ukraine as culturally its own, Kiev is determined to lookWest and seal closer links to Europe next month.
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"(Analysts) have lowered the expectations enough that evenif the numbers aren't materially better, the outlooks will bemore favorable than what is the consensus now," said Alan Lancz,president of Alan B. Lancz & Associates Inc in Toledo, Ohio.
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Take the infrastructure sector, so crucial to the UK’s economy, where macro-prudential bank regulatory changes are already leading to a general reduction in availability of long-term bank funding. mn
Maybe then, economists and business leaders will use its response as a textbook case of how market-based regulation works. If it mishandles this, it will be used as an excuse for more government-based regulation, not just for the amusement industry but likely for others, as well.
He added: "The prime minister himself has articulated that policy that drones violate our sovereignty and territorial integrity, they are counter-productive, they give rise to militancy and to anti-American feelings."

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The point is, university is too often seen as a social institution, not an academic one. Our pupils come from families that won’t, by and large, have to worry too much about shelling out £9,000 a year – “a snip after boarding fees”. They’re there to have a good time. And good luck to them.
Last month, President Xi Jinping said local government officials will not be judged solely on their record in boosting GDP but by achievements in improving people's livelihoods, social development and environmental quality.
“The changes have stripped husband and wife of their obvious meaning and marginalised adultery and consummation. Marriage has been made into a fluid, gender-neutral institution defined by consumer demands and political expediency.
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The job of overhauling the show was given to Deborah Turness, a former ITV executive in Britain who oversees the NBC News division, including breaking news coverage at its bureaus as well as shows including "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," the "Today" show, "Meet the Press" and "Dateline."
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Mantega's request comes at a time when investors have grownconcerned over government efforts to relax accounting standardsin Brazil. Over the past couple of years, the government hasexcluded capital spending in some state-run companies from thecalculation of the so-called primary budget surplus - a keymeasure of fiscal performance.

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The FSOC has already designated other kinds of financial institutions, including banks, clearing agencies and insurance firms like American International Group and Prudential Financial, the second-largest U.S. life insurer.
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Economic Development Minister Stephen Joyce, however, told thousands of people packed onto Queen's Wharf in Auckland at a welcome home ceremony for TNZ on Friday the government would be willing to help fund another tilt at sport's oldest trophy.
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The hedge-fund manager, they said, had breached his boardroom duties by disclosing confidential information about the company's CEO search and financial condition, a person familiar with the discussions said. Following that discussion, Mr. Ackman offered to resign, the person said.
Dissident sections of the National Education Workers' Union (SNTE), mostly from southern Oaxaca state, have halted traffic in Mexico City for three weeks with marches. They even set up a tent city in the central Zócalo square until heavily armed federal police equipped with tear gas and water cannons evicted them on Friday afternoon to make way for the annual independence celebrations Sunday.
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LONDON, July 23 (Reuters) - Premier Foods, the makerof Mr Kipling cakes and Hovis bread, said it expected full-yearresults to be at the top end of forecasts after cost cuts helpedthe group to report a 50 percent leap in first-half tradingprofit.

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"She would make a great chairperson. I think it was denigrating to her to watch this whole thing being debated in public ... It was denigrating to Larry Summers as well," Fisher said. "I hope the next time we go through this process it is done with more grace," he added.
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It was a timely move by the investor's Soros FundManagement. On Tuesday, the U.S. Justice Department filed alawsuit to block the proposed merger of US Airways and AMR Corp,the parent company of American Airlines.
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Added Bocking: "The version we were planning to release on Saturday addressed these issues, however we could not block users of the unreleased version if we went ahead with the launch. We attempted to address the problems caused by the unreleased version throughout the day on Saturday, but as active users of the unreleased app neared a million -- and accelerated -- it became clear that the only way to address the issue was to pause the rollout for both Android and iPhone."
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A Reuters reporter saw a large fire raging at the site of the blast near a shopping mall in Bir al-Abed, an area that is also home to Hezbollah officials and their offices. It was unclear if any of the group's leaders had been in the area.
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"What readers of the CIA study will find is that CIA tests its U-2 and A-12 reconnaissance aircraft at the site in Nevada sometimes referred to as 'Area 51,'" CIA spokesman Edward Price said. "What readers won't find are any references to aliens or other conspiracy theories best left to the realm of science fiction."
Seilback says initial concerns about a loss of business in bars and restaurants proved to be unfounded. "New Yorkers go to bars and restaurants as much if not more than before. And those days of going out and having to come home and put your clothes outdoors or in the washing machine are over."
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The plan will be finalized in December amid fears the city's soaring land prices are scaring off foreign investors. There are also concerns that City Hall's close cooperation with JICA will give Japanese companies an unfair advantage in bidding for infrastructure projects.
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The Borders MP explained: “I said to Nick [Clegg], ‘Look, we’re not going to agree on the reasons why Alistair is in a better position to lead than I am’. Alistair is a long-time friend of mine, with whom I agree nine times out of 10, but we are different styles of politician.

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The National Audit Office said the Universal Credit programme suffered from “weak management, ineffective control and poor governance” and could miss its 2017 deadline for implementation.
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But "Glee," a show set in the small town of Lima, Ohio, was Monteith's breakthrough role. A big part of the show was his character's on-again-off-again romance with glee club star Rachel Berry, an aspiring entertainer played by Lea Michele.
Economic indicators during the week include existing-homes sales, also due on Wednesday, weekly jobless claims and PMI Markit Flash manufacturing index on Thursday. New-home sales data is due on Friday.
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“Our challenge here in Geneva is to test the viability of placing Assad’s chemical weapons under international control, removing them from Syria and destroying them forever,” said US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Three of the top 20 investors in Microsoft Corp. are lobbying the board to press for Bill Gates to step down as chairman of the software company he co-founded 38 years ago, according to people familiar with the matter. 

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"We're still in shock. I think Lac-Megantic will be in shock for a long stretch of time, maybe a year. Then we will need to start from scratch," said Andre Goslin, a 51-year-old maintenance worker. "This was a beautiful downtown, and now there is nothing left."
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“That’s the nature of the Yankees,” Cashman said. “That’s the way it’s always been. It’s nothing new. We try to look at both the long-term and short-term, but the short-term is always the goal here. It’s always about now.”
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As the political debate about the rights and wrongs of international military intervention in Syria rages, we must not lose sight of the incredible suffering and extraordinary needs of the Syrian people which are multiplying every day.
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London Fashion Week, effectively a trade show that sees hundreds of buyers, journalists and celebrities descend on the British capital, is expected to result in orders worth more than 100 million pounds ($159.35 million) during its September 13-17 run.
It's the battle of the bikinis! It may have been her hubby Eddie Cibrian's 40th birthday she was celebrating, but all eyes were on country crooner LeAnn Rimes (r.) as she hit the beach parading her fit form in a bright and cheery orange two-piece at a resort near Los Angeles on June 18, 2013. But she's not the only one to make a splash in a swimsuit. Not one to be outshined by Rimes, Cibrian's super sexy ex Brandi Glanville (l.) put on a show all her own while in Malibu where she was spotted strutting her stuff in a skimpy string bikini that only just managed to contain her curves.

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