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"Early this week, the president instructed his National Security team to take all appropriate steps to protect the American people in light of a potential threat occurring in or emanating from the Arabian Peninsula," the White House said in a statement.
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He was repeating claims that he first made during Miss Knox and Mr Sollecito’s first appeal trial in Perugia in 2011, which resulted in them being cleared of murder and sexual assault and released from prison.
The cornerstone of the deal that sent R.A. Dickey to Toronto in the offseason, d’Arnaud was praised for his work behind the plate and for learning to work with the pitching staff. Offensively, however, he was struggling, hitting just 4-for-44 going into Sunday's game. He was having his swing and approach diagnosed by every amateur hit doctor in the city, but d’Arnaud made some minor adjustments with hitting coach Dave Hudgens and kept grinding away.
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The National Transportation Safety Board said the Boeing 737 skidded 2,175 feet on its nose after the front gearcollapsed backwards into the fuselage, damaging avionics andelectronics. Nine people out of 150 passengers and crew on boardsuffered minor injuries, the NTSB said.
The wild-card leaders, the Rays and Rangers, are facing each other four straight games in Tampa Bay this week. For the Rays and their weary bullpen, which has blown 13 games this season in which they had the lead from the seventh inning on, it’s part of a stretch of 20 straight games without a day off until the end of the season. Last year, their bullpen was their strength, with an ERA of 2.88 and a closer, Fernando Rodney, who had a near perfect season, 48-for-50 in saves and a relief pitcher-record 0.60 ERA. This year the Rays’ bullpen ERA of 3.73 is 10th in the AL, while Rodney’s is 3.56 with eight blown saves. After setup man Joel Peralta blew a 4-2 eighth-inning lead to the Twins Sunday, Rays manager Joe Maddon lamented: “We have played well enough to be a much better team record-wise but we just can’t close the deal.”

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