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Piraeus has done all the preparation for a bond issue andwill borrow "opportunistically" when pricing becomes attractive,said Anthimos Thomopoulos, the bank's deputy chief executive.The bank "can launch at any time", he added.

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"We will make — we have made — savings, and I will increase taxes only if absolutely necessary, ideally as little as possible," he said, playing down his lack of public approval by adding that he was "not looking to be popular." Just 26 percent of the French population is now satisfied with his performance.

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She also read from a letter sent by a fellow soldier, a captain who said that Bales seemed to have trouble handling a decade of war and death: "The darkness that had been tugging at him for the last 10 years swallowed him whole."
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Users would be able to invite each other to play using voice commands, and each device would be linked to the user’s player account, allowing them to keep a record of their games. Players could also link their accounts together to form teams.
As touched on before, PayDay was chock full of ideas. Perhaps the most interesting was how players could develop their own breed of bank robber, sculpting them to adapt to different tasks. The way the game did this was by presenting three development paths: Assault for those who fancy more firepower, Sharpshooter for precision, and Support to get teammates out of sticky situations. Overkill also went on to add a fourth class, the Technician, capable of deploying sentry turrets.
Target is the largest bricks-and-mortar retailer to offer aservice dedicated to baby goods. For now, Target Subscriptionswill not offer baby food. Most of its orders will be sent viaUnited Parcel Service Inc.
None of Figes’s subjects come close to the mordant persuasiveness of Tim Parks in his essay on adultery: “In this finely managed, career structured world we’ve worked so hard to build, with its automatic gates and hissing lawns, its comprehensive insurance policies, divorce remains one of the few catastrophes we can reasonably expect to provoke, offering a truly spectacular shipwreck. Oh to do some serious damage at last!”

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Their resignation will come as investment funds affiliated with Indigo divest their stake of roughly 12.07 million shares of common stock in Spirit Airlines. Barclays is acting as the sole underwriter for the public offering of the common stock.
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That there are the same number of U.S. Park Police on the National Mall now as before the shutdown began is true, according to the U.S. Park Police officers’ union. At any given time, there are two police officers on duty at each of the big three tourist sites on the National Mall: the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. They are joined by a smattering of roaming officers among the less-popular sites and smaller parks.
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“Doctors can diagnose it by looking for either the parasite itself or eggs of the parasite in a stool sample,” Bouvier said.  ”They have to do it with a microscope because it’s tiny. You can’t see it with your naked eye. It’s not like a worm.”
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He sees the book supplementing programs offered at universities and private institutions such as the incubators that try to foster young companies, including Y Combinator, based in Mountain View, Calif., and TechStars, held in several locations around the country.

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