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Witnesses said at least five gunmen -- including at least one woman -- first attacked an outdoor cafe at Nairobi's Westgate Mall, a shiny, new shopping center that hosts Nike, Adidas and Bose stores. The mall's ownership is Israeli, and security experts have long said the structure made an attractive terrorist target.
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Pacelle himself adopted a rescue dog — a hound and beagle mix named Lily — who patters with him to work every day. U.S. News talked with Pacelle about pets in the workplace and how busy working people can balance a career with taking care of a furry friend. His responses have been edited.
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Asahi Group Holdings Ltd, Japan's second-biggestbeverage maker by sales, spent about 1 billion yen ($10million)to add a 7.8 MW gas co-generation unit at its Ibarakibrewery - inside Tepco's service area - that started in July.That, and other energy saving measures, will allow it to cutpeak-time energy use across its eight breweries by about 40percent compared to last summer, Asahi said.
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Abrams told C.W. she could stop him from carrying out thatthreat by sending a video and more pictures of herself andchatting with him on Skype, where he said he wanted her tofollow his commands for five minutes, the complaint stated.
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Stephen Elop, who left Microsoft to become chiefexecutive of Nokia three years ago, will receivearound $25.5 million if Microsoft closes its $7.2 billion dealto buy the Finnish mobile firm as expected. ()
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The stock-fuelled gains helped offset declines in profitfrom bond trading, a key source of income for Japan's banks inrecent years. But in the longer term, investors hope the banks'sluggish domestic lending businesses will also get a boost from"Abenomics", which is aimed in part at spurring borrowing andinvestment to regalvanise the economy.
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Shares in IMI, which supplied the beer pumps for Arsenal’s Emirates stadium, have risen by almost 35% over the past year. The company has benefited from the shale boom in the US because it makes valves for gas refinery customers.

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The debate centered on the ability for Alibaba to list inHong Kong and, at the same time, allow its "partners" - a groupof founders and senior employees - to keep control over themakeup of its board.
Joseph Michalski, a geologist at the Planetary Science Institute and Natural History Museum in London who was a co-author on the paper, added that their findings may now make it easier to identify other ancient volcanoes on Mars.
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On June 3, Smelter Acquisition, LLC, a portfolio companyowned by Wayzata Investment Partners, said it would acquireOrmet. U.S. based Wayzata's requirement to close on theacquisition also depended on approval of Ormet's new power plan.
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BEIJING — Disgraced Chinese politician Bo Xilai was indicted Thursday on charges of corruption, accepting bribes and abuse of power, state media reported, moving China’s biggest political scandal in years toward closure.
I thought about final arrangements. I wanted to be cremated and have my ashes returned to Wyoming. It was a difficult subject to broach with my family. They weren’t eager to discuss it. For them, talking about it made an already difficult situation even worse. But I needed them to know. And I needed to say good-bye. As my condition deteriorated that summer, my cardiologist, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, had raised the possibility of having a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implanted in my chest, and I agreed to be briefed on it at Inova Fairfax
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BRUSSELS, July 31 (Reuters) - Brussels-based chemicals firmSolvay cut its profit forecast for 2013 on Wednesdayto reflect a drop in demand from oil and gas companies for guargum, which is used in shale gas extraction, the process known asfracking.
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Wasjgras said he is fairly confident about Raytheon'soverall business outlook as it closes out 2013, and noted thatmandatory military budget cuts required under sequestration werenot hitting the defense industry as quickly as initiallyexpected.
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-- BP Europa, which is a unit of British energy group BP plc, to buy a joint stake in Polish fuel supplier Lotos Tankfrom Polish oil company Grupa Lotos (notified Sept.16/deadline Oct. 21/simplified)

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Connor Barthe, 6, and his 4-year-old brother, Noah, were sleeping at a friend’s apartment above an exotic pet store when the killer serpent slipped out of its cage and into the room where they were sleeping.
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"There is a growing consensus that individual data points don't really matter at this point and that the Fed has made upits mind to have completed the bond purchases by the middle ofnext year," said Andrew Wilkinson, chief economic strategist at Miller Tabak & Co in New York.
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The new bird flu virus, which was unknown in humans until February, has already infected at least 133 people in China and Taiwan, killing 43 of them, according to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) data.
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** Three bidders - French train operator SNCF,Romania's Grampet Group and Greek building group GEK Terna in cooperation with Russian Railways RZD -are interested in buying a 100 percent stake in Greece'srailway network operator Trainose, a source close to the talkssaid on Monday on condition of anonymity. The sale is expectedto raise 200 million euros ($267.05 million).

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MILAN, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Although he has vowed to fight on,Silvio Berlusconi's conviction for tax fraud has fuelledspeculation that his eldest daughter Marina, head of his $6.6billion business empire, could take his place as leader of thecentre-right in Italy.
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Lawsky has expressed concern that private equity firms'"short-term focus" raised a risk that they might provideinadequate oversight or customer service, a concern given thatannuities are often sold to senior citizens on fixed incomes.
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As part of a set of changes unveiled on Tuesday, the BovespaMais segment aimed at listings of small-sized companies will nowmigrate from an over-the-counter platform to an exchange one,BM&FBovespa said in a statement. A minimum free-float level wasproposed for companies seeking to list in the Nível 1 and Nível2 listing chapters - the ones with more relaxed corporategovernance standards.

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Indeed, as the hunt for yield continues, the next step forcorporate Australia is to push maturities out to 10 years,something that Port of Brisbane anticipates as Mutzelburg "looksforward to building a curve over time". free
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The Moscow attack resembled Russia's version of the incident in which it said a minister-counsellor at its embassy in The Hague was badly beaten in his home in front of his children by armed assailants. The Russian embassy said he was beaten with a police baton.
Mr Elliott said the year had seen a strong recovery in appetite for commercial and residential property, with its own survey revealing one in four "high net worth individuals" in the world wanted to increase their exposure to the sector in 2013.
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Never mind, too, that only two new buildings have gone up in the district since 2001, or that the plan envisions adding a relatively modest amount of space to the gigantic tract over the course of decades. Its present 70-million square feet of office space would grow by a projected 6%.

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The Rev. Russell Moore, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, said he was surprised the "shockingly sarcastic tone" of the column came from the spouse of a church employee. It's not clear whether Angela Thomas also attended First Baptist.
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"Today is definitely not the day to be conducting any serious business as traders across the globe will be hypnotized by their TVs/terminals and anxiously waiting for something to hit the news wires," Jonathan Sudaria, a trader at Capital Spreads in London, wrote in a client note.
After Westgate, schools throughout Nairobi as well as private professionals offered free counseling. Therapists are encouraging kids to draw what they saw, or play out what happened, while coaxing them to imagine a different outcome and absorb a new narrative.
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"My view on this sector is that you have to know what youare doing, but that applies just as much to investing inhigh-quality names as the low-quality ones. AT&T is a very solidinvestment grade core holding in a portfolio, but it hasUS$50-$60bn of debt outstanding and about half of its balancesheet is goodwill. In telecommunications, goodwill really isn'tworth very much."
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Unfortunately, the court rejected such elegant simplicity. Rather than let juries consider the circumstances and decide whether a defendant had been “so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so devoid of regard of the life or lives of others” as to be guilty of murder, the court ruled that prosecutors had to prove, in effect, the defendants wanted to be that irresponsible.

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