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The Lebanese army said last week the Israeli soldiers had crossed 400 metres into Lebanese territory when the blasts occurred. An Israeli spokesman said only that four soldiers were wounded during "an activity near the border".
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Many hedge funds, investment firms and a number of daytraders have poured into both the common and preferred stock ofFannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a long shot bet they willeventually be able to buy their way out of government control.
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Almost every practising critic is guilty of playing along with the Oscar blather to some degree, but it depends if the little gold chaps are viewed as some end or holy grail in themselves, or merely a means to open up the conversation about each particular film's merits. Mightn't it be almost better, I wonder, if we treated the victory of 12 Years A Slave as more or less a fait accompli, and then spent the next four months forgetting about the horse race and actually thinking about the movies?
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Today, there are ongoing struggles for human rights in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Americas and every corner of the world. When we talk about rights today, we rarely think of just how many there are, and how often they’re infringed upon or taken away. It’s easy to forget that the rights many take for granted are the very same others die fighting for.
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That tight pricing, however, meant Apple paid nothing in theway of new issue concession. Apple's US$5.5 billion 10-year, forexample, priced at 2.4% at a time when Treasuries were 1.66% -around 100bp tighter than the 2.64% level on Tuesday.

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Premium Bond payouts have been lower. In April 2009, for instance, returns reached their lowest ever at just 1pc. But that was the height of the banking crisis when record sums were flowing into NS&I on the back of savers' fears of further banking collapses.
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The continuing under-representation of minority populations in clinical studies is depriving some of the most vulnerable people in the US of better tailored treatment options, the founder of a trial search website warns.
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The excitement is increased by the opacity of the process itself. Although the job is advertised, there is never a public shortlist; instead members of the Board sound out people they think might be suitable - and people who think they might be suitable shout loudly to the world at large, so speculative rumours ebb and flow with satisfying regularity.
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Hyundai Motor shares have shed $1.1 billion in market value since its wage talks collapsed on August 6. The company offered to resume wage talks this Friday, but union chief Moon Yong-moon said he would return to the table only if the company offered a better deal.
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As the No. 2 wireless provider in the United States, AT&T has been looking to grow in a mature market and has been urgently seeking access to additional wireless spectrum. It has held talks to buy smaller rival Leap Wireless International last year, Reuters reported.

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It’s really too late. Even with the government shut down, that national debt is still growing. We are now in a situation like a family who has overspent, even if you stop using your credit cards, you are so far in debt you have no choice but to file bankrupty. So sad Chinese lenders, welcome to the American way.
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The NSA calls the secret decryption program by the code name Bullrun, taken from a major Civil War battle. Britain's counterpart program is code-named Edgehill, after the first major engagement of the English civil war, more than 200 years earlier.
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But the campaign is not all bad - that outlet mall companysays it has sent more than $10 million to 20 different breastcancer organizations in the last 19 years. (The amount of moneycontributed to breast cancer causes has been put as high $6billion a year, though specific figures for contributionsrelated to October promotions are not consolidated and tallied.)And because the donations are subsidized by merchants that offerdiscounts to shoppers, it's not as if we are paying extra forunspecified donations.
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According to a University of California Berkeley Labor Center and University of Illinois study out Tuesday, 52% of families of fast food workers receive assistance from a public program like Medicaid, food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. That’s compared to 25% of families in the workforce as a whole.
2.4 inches of snow fell at Duluth, Minnesota to set not only a new record daily snowfall but also a new record total for September. The previous record snowfall for September was 1.5 inches set back in 1908.

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"I think the way it was shot was quite cool," he said. "We are all amateur actors. We all had one take. It was kind of like, shoot, go, OK, done. So it's fine. It's completely OK if people are like, 'It's the worst acting in the world.' It's totally fine with me."
The top-seeded Williams, 31, hit 22 winners to Shvedova’sthree, wrapping up a 6-3, 6-1 win shortly after 1:00 a.m. NewYork time. The match began at 11:49 last night, as the playerswaited inside Arthur Ashe Stadium until the completion ofLleyton Hewitt’s upset against men’s No. 6 seed Juan Martin Del Potro, which took more than four hours.
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"All of the sudden, you've got these question marks comingin from earnings reports and the government shutdown and you'vegot these portfolio managers saying, 'What is left here for meto keep my neck out? Why not take some profit?'" said DanielMorgan, senior portfolio manager at Synovus Trust Company inAtlanta.
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Currently, even if someone has come to this latter view, their family may veto their decision after they’ve died. There’s no legal basis for this but health practitioners respect families’ wishes in practice.
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“I thought Pedro was the worthy choice,” Wright continued. “I am glad it worked out for him. It seems like he is really excited to do it. I texted with him yesterday and he’s really excited being from New York. I am sure he’s going to have a ton of friends and family there.”

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Among the other mistakes was the failure to clean up the zone’s zombie banks and the fact that both fiscal and monetary policy were too tight. But troubled countries have also taken too long to root out vested interests and restore competitiveness.
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A spokesperson for the Wales Audit Office said: "I can confirm that concerns have recently been raised with the Auditor General for Wales about the operation of the Wales Life Sciences Investment Fund and we are currently liaising with the Welsh government's Internal Audit Service on the matter."
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Just as for much of the last 20 years, the same problems continue to snarl progress towards a deal, with Israelis and Palestinians at loggerheads over how to divide the land and over their future security arrangements - among other things.
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"Every night we try to pull one out that we haven't played since we were, I dunno, 16," Springsteen said, savoring the challenge of figuring out how to play an unfamiliar song from another artist on the spot in front of a stadium audience.

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Commenting on how software has driven 3DS hardware sales, Honeywell added: "The same can be said for Wii U as we move into peak season. With such a strong line-up of titles that are so critically acclaimed, it is just a perfect storm. It has made it the format of the moment."
The main risks to the business were if the Lithium MetalPolymer (LMP) batteries proved not to last for more than 10,000recharge cycles and if other companies developed similar orbetter battery technology.
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Of the national carriers, Sprint has been among the most vulnerable with continued subscriber losses -- many stemming from the shutdown of the Nextel network. But Sievert and T-Mobile Chief Technology Officer Neville Ray said T-Mobile had its eye on AT&T as the larger target.
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Mr Cameron said: "I know he always gives a good account of himself. I think Boris is an immense talent. He's got a huge amount to offer the country, he' currently dong that as Mayor of London."
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Violence has surged since January as government forces, rebels and Arab tribes, armed by Khartoum early in the conflict, fight over resources and land. Peacekeepers often get attacked when they try to find out what is happening on the ground.

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Not all brain cancer patients were eligible, Desjardins said. Lipscomb's tumor was in the right frontal lobe, the area of the brain the controls planning and social skills. Had it been in the area that controls motor skills, vision or language, doctors wouldn't have offered the treatment because it would have been too dangerous to tamper with those areas of the brain.
Richard Ward, chief executive of Lloyds’s of London, responded to the findings by saying: “With business tax in the spotlight and rising up the political agenda, executives are understandably concerned.
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There were also three votes on House budget resolutions that included repeal of the law, though these were only nonbinding budget blueprints.  One could quibble about whether or not these should be counted in a tally of votes concerning full repeal of the law. Here are those votes:
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In Latin America, its biggest market by far, Colgatecontinued to be hurt by the impact of February's devaluation ofthe Venezuelan bolivar. That contributed to a 1.5 percent netsales decrease in Latin America and a lower operating profitthere.

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Anyone applying would be subject to security vetting, officials pointed out, as well as citizenship and residency requirements and a commitment to take part in at least a minimum level of annual training.
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The four new engineering groups are operating systems, applications, Web-based cloud services and hardware devices. Units will also be dedicated to strategy and research, marketing and business development, Ballmer said.
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In the homes of the other families featured in the book, I came away with ideas for creating fun and functional spaces for children that would encourage them to experiment and explore their worlds, and allow their imaginations to flourish. The idea that most captured the creative spirit was the children’s art gallery in Louise and Garth’s home in London. Their sons Oscar, Leo, Caspar and Asa are prolific creators, and take it in turns to exhibit their work; they even organise their own private views. Another great idea was the swing that Mascha and Jurgen hung for their daughter, Britt, in her bedroom in Haarlem near Amsterdam. This is a wonderful example of maximising the potential of a space.
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It is rare for smugglers' often unseaworthy vessels filled with migrants to aim for Italian shores near cities, and D'Arrigo said the boat apparently made a navigational error while trying to reach secluded shores undetected. Luxury cruise liners frequently anchor off shore from Catania to admire Mount Etna, an active volcano, rising up behind the city.
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An estimated 10 million Californians are summoned for jury duty each year and about 4 million are eligible and available to serve, according to the Judicial Council, which administers the state's court system. About 3.2 million complete the service, meaning they waited in a courthouse assembly room or were placed on call.

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"To this day, Justin has not had a trial," she said. "No weapons were found during a search of his apartment, and so we're really confused and heartbroken that our family is being violated like this."
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Up to last year and since street protests ended years of military rule in 1991, Mali had held peaceful votes producing leaders and governments ruling through consensus and patronage, gaining a reputation as an oasis of stability.
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** German gold trading company Degussa Goldhandel said itacquired regional precious metals dealer SilviOr GmbH in a bidto expand trading and vaulting capacity to meet expected growthin coin and bar demand.
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Ex-president Alan Garcia has tried to ride the recent discontent to boost his own flagging popularity as he faces investigations for alleged wrongdoing in handing out pardons to drug dealers during his 2006 to 2011 government.
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So it stands to reason, the Yankees are going to struggle scoring runs again — at least everyone is going to be spared that magic moment of A-Rod passing Willie Mays on the all-time home run list — leaving in question whether the starting pitching can at least keep games in check, as they did in the first-half formula of getting a lead to David Robertson and Mariano Rivera. The Red Sox right now can make almost any starting pitcher look vulnerable, but Sabathia and Kuroda both look like they’ve hit the wall. Maybe the Blue Jays, Giants, Rays and Astros will provide a welcome end-of-season breather for this beat-up Yankee team. Or maybe the Yanks are simply too beat up now to make a big finish.

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