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Keyword targeting, a feature which was only rolled out in April, will help the company’s revenue, Peck said. He is rated four stars out of a possible five for the accuracy of his recommendations on internet companies by Thomson Reuters StarMine.
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Supporters of Tsarnaev, who believe in the face of overwhelming evidence that he’s innocent of the charges against him, appeared last week during his federal court appearance in Boston. Some wore T-shirts with phrases like “Free the Lion,” while others held “Free Jahar” signs outside Boston's John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse on Wednesday.
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Falls are not necessarily the reason people do poorly after surgery, he cautioned. Instead, falls represent how frail an older person is, said Robinson, an associate professor of surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora.
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The market in China is "hot", according to Linda Reiff, president of the Napa Valley Vintners Association - a trade body for the local winemakers. She says her members decided to focus on selling to China during the recession.
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Joint ownership of Hulu would give cable companies anInternet TV service on a national scale, which would benefit allthe operators, said Malone, speaking on the sidelines of theannual Allen & Co media conference in Sun Valley, Idaho.

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But the Government has outlined plans to turn AS-levels into standalone qualifications from 2015 onwards, with results no longer counting towards final marks. Instead, most pupils will only sit exams at the end of the two-year course.
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Wilson, 37, is still serving a sentence of nine years to life. He has already been denied release six times because he keeps changing his account at parole hearings, alternating between admitting and denying the crime, records show.
The acceptance of guns – or the presumption of the presence of guns – leads to other unintended consequences, as well. In New York City this week, a deranged man in Times Square pretended to point a gun (using only his hand) at police. They shot, wounding two bystanders. It's a terrible mistake, and one wonders whether it would have occurred if we were not all so ready to assume everyone has a gun.
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French Finance Minister Pierre Moskovici said: “France hopes that we can adopt the big lines (of the banking union) and that we will have a direct recapitalisation that has a real sense, and that doesn’t put weight on the depositors.” 2018
If you're just joining us, the big talking point this morning is Japan Airlines buying 31 Airbus A350 planes. Stock markets are down in early trading. And on the eve of the deadline to apply for Royal Mail shares, Labour's Chuka Umunna has appeared on Radio 4's Today programme to criticise the sale.

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Failure to pay within the 10-day grace period could havetriggered so-called cross default, not only on Naftogaz's entireoutstanding debt but eventually on billions of dollars ofUkrainian sovereign bonds, in what would have been a major blowfor a country that is already facing deep financial stress.
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With the job interview out of the way, new hires must quickly prepare for their next challenge: the first days on the job. And that stretch is no honeymoon, according to Alan Vengel, owner of the Vengel Consulting Group and author of "20 Minutes to a Top Performer." With a new boss and colleagues making quick assessments, the process for determining whether a new hire was a good hire "begins day one, minute one," he says.
The Palestinians, with international backing, want their future state to have borders approximating the boundaries of the West Bank, adjacent East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip before Israel captured them in the 1967 Middle East war.
A booming, social media-loving country of more than 80million Internet users, Brazil perennially ranks among Twitter'smost active markets. When the company set up operations in SaoPaulo in late 2012, the company's top sales executive, AdamBain, described the opportunity in the country as "amazing froma business perspective."
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The big Fijian would add four more birdies before his round unraveled with a double-bogey at the 15th just prior to the delay followed by a bogey at the 16th right after play resumed but still finished with a 66 to sit just six off the pace.

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While the effort on behalf of the kittens created delays for passengers, the Q operated a shuttle service between two of its normal Brooklyn stops, said transit officials, who couldn’t immediately provide the cost of the extra service.
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"There is nobody in this chamber who is more appreciative than I am for the gentleman from Tennessee and my friend from Michigan standing up for the rights of race, religion, national religion of the Delta Smelt, the snail darter, various lizards, the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage grouts and so many other insects who would want someone standing for their religion, their race, their national origin, and I think that’s wonderful," Gohmert said.
"The Fed has implied they are not rushing to shrink (theirstimulus programme), so that's given positive sentiment to themarket," said Tetsu Emori, a commodities fund manager at AstmaxInvestments in Tokyo.
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Britain's Financial Conduct Authority, the Dutch centralbank and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission declinedto comment on details of the settlement. The U.S. Department ofJustice did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Merkel, who romped to her third term as chancellor Sunday, lived in the 55-square-metre (about 590 square feet) flat from 1986 until 1990, the year of German reunification, while she was a Ph.D. student, Bild daily said.

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Initially, the family was evacuated north of their Tomioka town and spent months in a sport hall, sharing the floor with many others. “That was bearable,” said Masakura. “We all ate the same food, we were together. People like you and even some celebrities visited us.” But then they moved to a settlement of pre-fabricated houses in the suburbs of Iwaki. The bare floors of sport halls and mere survival were replaced with something designed to simulate real life, but it was a poor substitute. This is when the real pain starts over what has gone forever. Those who lost their homes in wars or disasters know this moment very well.
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“If you want to blame someone, blame the people who stood there and watched it,” the season-ticket holder said, adding that to do something like the Jets fan did Sunday, “you’ve got to be nuts.” 
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Speaking last week at the CNBC Institutional Investor Delivering Alpha conference, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara pushed back against the suggestion that the Justice Department was reluctant to bring criminal charges against companies because of the potential damage.
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Hawaii is for lovers! Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis made the most of their Memorial Day weekend hitting the beach in Maui, Hawaii on May 27, 2013. While the 29-year-old actress showed off her curves in a sexy strapless black bikini, her funnyman beau looked fit in red trunks as he carried snorkeling gear for some fun in the water.
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Opening a scrap book she revealed old newspaper clippings and articles she had written on marionettes back in 1974. Articles more recently added to her collection were ones she had seen on Syers' work, which she cut out and saved for him.

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Jim Leavitt worked miracles leading that program from birth to nationally competitive Big East team in the span of a decade, but he plateaued well before his ugly 2009 exit. Skip Holtz seemed like a fine replacement, given his previous success at East Carolina, but clearly that wasn't the case. Not only did the Bulls regress on the field, but Holtz and his staff whiffed in the evaluation phase of recruiting. Three years later, the Bulls' talent level is so depleted they could get demolished by an FCS foe.
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The Jaguar Project 7 will make its world debut at the 2013 Goodwood Festival of Speed. The one-off design study is based on the new F-type roadster, with bespoke bodywork and a range of chassis and engine upgrades.
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The company reiterated that it expected sales growth for the year to be around 1 percent in local currency terms, with EPS rising by between 3 and 4 percent. It said there had been encouraging progress with its pipeline of new drugs but austerity pressures in Europe were likely to continue.
Finally, the latest Apple TV software includes an update to Photo Stream that enhances shared streams. You can now comment and "like" images within a shared stream—even if it's your own stream—directly on the Apple TV. You can't, however, delete or add images in a shared stream on the Apple TV.
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"It's very similar scheme-wise and very similar in the way they put the teams together and the types of players," Seattle receiver Doug Baldwin said. "They just want hard-nosed, tough players that are going to fight every day."

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Another failed project was the equally outlandish Bat Bomb, tried by the US in WWII, where bats were strapped to mini-incendiary devices and dropped over Japan. The idea was for them to roost inside wooden Japanese buildings before bursting into flames. The atomic bomb ultimately proved more effective.
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The Government’s planned new laws on third-party political campaigning to prevent future lobbying scandals have been roundly criticised by MPs for being badly thought out and rushed, with one MP labelling them a “dog’s breakfast’.
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Usually both teams settle in to the game after trading early blows. Not tonight. The fireworks had just begun. Bill O'Brien chose to go for it on PSU's ensuing possession, with a 4th and 1 from its own 33. Michigan stuffed the QB sneak. Penn State's defense rose to the challenge, stuffing Toussaint for a loss of 1, and sacking Gardner for a loss of 8, forcing a punt, which Michigan downed at the Penn State 6. The Lions could not earn a first down, punted, and Michigan used the short field and two Gardner scrambles to settle for a 47-yard field goal from Brendon Gibbons, taking its first lead, 10-7.
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"We're absolutely conscious of the importance of tourism for our economy," he says. "It employs more than 400,000 people, it is the second foreign currency provider for our economy and we have to promote investment in this sector."
Simon's second-quarter funds from operations, an earningsmeasure for real estate investment trusts, rose 11.25 percent to$766.3 million, or $2.11 per share, from $688.8 million, or$1.89 per share, a year earlier.

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"Our concern is that emerging markets are being called allsource of names, fragile, etc when in fact that is not thecase," South Africa's Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan toldReuters on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank annualmeeting in Washington.
"Any lawyer or compliance person sitting in Asia who readabout the JPMorgan probe will have gone straight to HR and said'give me a list' and started conducting reviews. I'd be verysurprised if anyone's sitting still on this," said WilliamMcGovern, partner at law firm Kobre & Kim in Hong Kong and aformer branch chief at the SEC in Washington and New York.
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Nasdaq agreed to pay a $10m penalty to settle federal civil charges after regulators said its systems and decisions disrupted the float, and it paid out a further $62m in reimbursements to investment firms that lost money because of the problems.
Mansour said the state of emergency was necessary because security was threatened by "deliberate acts of sabotage, attacks on public and private installations, and the killing of citizens by elements of the extremist groups."
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Other regulatory filings from hedge funds and investment firms showed Leon Cooperman's Omega Advisors soured on Facebook Inc in the second quarter, but Patrick McCormack's Tiger Consumer Management took a shine to the social networking company.

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His tweets -- beginning July 16 when he learned about her emergency surgery to her death July 29 -- resonated around the world and drew praise from those who had similarly experienced the death of a loved one.
"The death of a young person is a tragedy for their family, friends and community," Lapointe said. "A sudden death is more shocking and our hearts go out to the family and friends who are mourning the loss of this young man."
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Much of what passes for new is ideas of the past made acceptable by the rush for palliatives for our financial crisis that merely tweak the regulatory architecture of a failed risk regime. A prime example is the "living will" concept providing guidance to regulators to dismember a "too big to fail" bank.
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The British designer worked with New York-based de la Renta for several weeks earlier this year. He was due to teach a master class at Parsons The New School for Design in New York but the class was canceled. The school said it could not agree with the designer on conditions for a "candid conversation" with students.
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Lego, whose name is derived from the Danish words "leg godt" meaning "play well", started 81 years ago in the workshop of carpenter Ole Kirk Kristiansen and is now owned by the founder's grandson and his children.

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Of course, refraining from yelling at a driver in front of you can’t make the entire world a better place immediately. But Helliwell points out that the broad categories that improve quality of life in a country -- like lack of corruption or increased social support -- are just compilations of individual actions at a societal level.
The central bank surprised financial markets globally this week when it decided to keep buying $85-billion worth of bonds per month. It cited fiscal headwinds and tighter overall financial conditions as reasons to continue its aggressive support for the U.S. economy.
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The last of eight days of racing at the Palau Sant Jordi will also be a chance for Sun Yang of China to match Franklin's compatriot Katie Ledecky in winning a rare treble of distance freestyle titles when the Olympic champion and world record holder goes in the final of the 1,500 meters.
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The Affordable Care Act, Obama's signature achievement from his first term, is still regarded skeptically by a majority of Americans who worry that it will lead to higher healthcare costs and cut jobs.
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Italy has had a flip-flopping attitude towards foreigninvestors for a while. In 2011, following national outrage atthe purchase by France's Lactalis of dairy group Parmalat, Italy set up a strategic equity fund, FSI, to turnmid-sized firms into large companies that could create jobs anddevelop skills at home.

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