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Kirobo boarded the Kounotori 4 cargo transfer vehicle launched from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Tanegashima Space Center atop an H-IIB launch vehicle on Sunday morning, the Kibo Robot Project, which counts Toyota and Robo Garage as two of the project partners, said on its website.
The ship was chartered at the height of the shipping boom, but Grand China stopped making lease payments after the shipping markets collapsed in late 2008. The decline in shipping rates has hit both Chinese shipbuilders and operators hard thanks to massive overcapacity.
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The study said that around 10,000 fighters were jihadists like those groups linked to al- Qaida, including foreign fighters; 30,000- 35,000 were hardline Islamists whose ideology overlapped with the jihadists’, but were specifically focused on the Syrian war rather than global jihad; and another 30,000 fighters had an Islamic character – including the Muslim Brotherhood and similar groups – leaving a small group of non-Islamist fighters fighting for more nationalistic goals.
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Flog shares in Arm Holdings, Liberum urges. The micro-chip designer is posting a third-quarter update next week and the broker is afraid royalty revenue will be affected by “slowing device demand”. Liberum gives a price target of 725p for shares presently around 1018p.
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While the inspection and destruction of chemical weaponscontinues, with a team of 27 in the field, Assad forces andrebels clash across the country using conventional weapons.Human Rights Watch said this week rebels had killed at least 190civilians in Latakia province in August.

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Her childhood was harsh; her sadistic father, who had dropped his title out of a violent hatred of Britain and had embraced pro-Nazi views, disliked children, especially girls. Juanita recalled: “I was an unwanted brat .” She was dressed and treated as a boy , and confined to a separate wing of the house. Her governess, Isabel Rutt (whom she called “the Rutt”), was often ordered by Juanita’s father to strip her naked and beat her; aged 15, and after one particularly frenzied beating, Juanita left home to live with an uncle, saying she had no wish to grow up “like the rest of that Happy Valley lot”.
“The idea that it is somehow pejorative I think just doesn’t hold water, just by the fact that people are choosing to self-identify that way,” he said. “I think it is an obvious feature of a dating site.”
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Aug. 1, 2010: A large cargo plane crashed near the entrance of Denali National Park in Alaska, killing three people on board, including the pilot. The Fairchild C-123 was owned by All West Freight Inc.
"This is a very suspect group of witnesses," says Chris Dearborn, a criminal law expert at Suffolk University Law School in Boston. "The more suspect witnesses that you put on the stand, the more likely it is that you'll put on witnesses who are exaggerating or lying or both … I'm convinced that the defense is in the ballgame right now."
Some 125,000 commuters a day, including many on Wall Street,have faced long delays as crews struggle to restore fullservice. The railroad line runs through hedge-fund capitalGreenwich, Connecticut, and nearby Stamford, where such banks asUBS AG and the Royal Bank of Scotland maintain trading floors.

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said earlier thismonth that Madrid's reform progress, fiscal consolidation andcrackdown on external imbalances were bearing fruits, but urgentaction was needed to create jobs and stimulate growth.
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The change takes effect on Tuesday, when those states allow a federal waiver of the work requirement to expire. Wisconsin will take a similar step next July, bringing to eight the number of states requiring work to get the assistance.
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Both of last year's starting guards, Nate Livings and Mackenzy Bernadeau, have missed significant time at training camp. Livings might not be ready for the regular season after two surgeries on his right knee in six months.
The letter comes less than a week after the American Academy of Pediatrics and 14 other public health organizations, including the American Lung Association and American Heart Association, sent a letter to President Barack Obama asking him to pressure the FDA into issuing the rules.
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As it was with the Samsung Galaxy Camera, so too do you get a physical camera shutter button here. This device is made on one hand to be a phone – and it certainly looks the part from one side – and on the other a camera.

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Although he is not identified by the court documents in the White case, two people familiar with the investigation said the unidentified executive is Thompson, the Jamaican-born former owner of a politically connected Washington accounting firm. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the person's identity.
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"Findings from a variety of studies show that routine consumption of diet sodas, even one per day, can be connected to higher likelihood of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and high blood pressure, in addition to contributing to weight gain," she said.
Where did I read that parts of the blood transfusion service were being sold off to an American company? Now why would someone want to buy this service or any part of it? It is surely a public service and a private company would only want to buy it if they are going to make a profit. No-one is making a profit out of my blood thank you very much. People give blood because they want to save lives, no other reason.
With nothing coming in the farm system, at least in terms of third basemen, outfielders, first basemen, or frontline starting pitchers, the Yankees will have no choice but to go into the free-agent market this winter in hopes of putting together a respectable team for next year. But the free-agent market — where you’re almost always overpaying for past performances with another team — is only the way to go when you’re looking to fill a missing piece here and there, much as the Red Sox did last winter in adding grinder types, Shane Victorino, Jonny Gomes and Mike Napoli, along with closer Koji Uehara. Whereas the Red Sox had a solid nucleus in Dustin Pedroia, David Ortiz, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jon Lester, Clay Buchholz and Jarrod Saltalamacchia, in addition to a fertile farm system, the Yankees are looking to construct a whole new team, from top to bottom.
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McLeod, a journalist and playwright, co-wrote a tiny opera for the festival. She dreamed it up after writing about the Baconery — the specialty cafe at 911 Columbus Ave. in her upper West Side neighborhood devoted to you-know-what. Brownies, chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter sandwiches all pack a little pork. Strips of bacon dipped in chocolate are a salty-sweet indulgence.

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Pakistan demands a referendum to decide the status of Kashmir, while Delhi argues that, by voting in successive Indian state and national elections, Kashmiris have confirmed their accesson to India. Pakistan cites numerous UN resolutions in favour of a UN-run referendum, while India says the Simla Agreement of 1972 binds the two countries to solve the problem on a state-to-state basis.
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"As the glacier melts and the glacier moves, more material comes up to the surface," Dr. Gregory Berg, the forensic anthropologist who leads the team of specialists examining the crevasse-ridden ice field, told reporters at a news briefing last week.
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It had previously forecast that net profit would be broadly unchanged from that of 2012. On Wednesday, it added that the stronger euro against a number of developing market currencies would have a negative 40 million euro ($55.09 million) impact.
The railway company responsible for the train, Rail World Inc., said the train's engineer had put the proper brakes on the train when parking it uphill of Lac-Megantic. The company said that a locomotive shutdown might have released the train's airbrakes that were supposed to hold it in place overnight, setting it free on the tracks.
Delmon Young cut the lead in half with his own sac fly in the second, but the Red Sox answered with two more runs in the third, the first on Ellsbury’s double. Shane Victorino broke up a potential inning-ending double play with a hard slide into second base later in the inning, allowing Ellsbury to score to give Boston a 4-1 lead.

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While many have highlighted the cost of medicine, there is not enough emphasis on solving the associated distribution and social challenges. Arogya Parivar addresses what I believe are the two most important issues in developing countries: healthcare education and infrastructure. The program works by recruiting and training locals to become health educators and tour villages, schools, and health centers. They conduct community health meetings and talk directly to patients about disease prevention and encourage them to seek timely treatments. Also, the local teams address the infrastructure issue by organizing health camps — mobile clinics that provide access to screening, diagnosis and therapies to patients in remote villages who don’t have regular access to healthcare. In 2010, we hosted more than 3,000 health camps, reaching an estimated 140,000 people.
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"Colorado is purportedly a very healthy state and knowing people who live there, I understand why. They are always out there climbing mountains," said Jim O'Connor, a principal at actuary firm Milliman in Chicago.
The frieze was discovered by Guatemalan archaeologist Francisco Estrada-Belli, a professor at Tulane University’s Anthropology Department, and his team in the northern Province of Peten, the government said in a joint statement with Estrada-Belli.
Once a talented but unexciting star, Gonzalez now seems to have bought into the manic tone established by Puig, his mercurial rookie teammate. Two nights earlier, his chirping from third base provoked Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright to criticize Gonzalez for “Mickey Mouse stuff.” After his first home run Wednesday, Gonzalez placed his hands on top of his head in a gesture that recalled the Disney icon, then stepped into his team’s raucous dugout.
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The Canonical founder's suggestion was met with hesitation - after all, careers are on the line for decisions that send anything into orbit - but after testing Shuttleworth was permitted to bring three of the then-latest laptops to the ISS.

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Dennis Lockhart, president of the Federal Reserve Bank ofAtlanta, said the shutdown would hurt growth in the last quarterof this year, while the Bank of Japan said an extended budgetstandoff would have a severe global impact.
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"Greenmarkets are very popular in the city (and) we remain committed to offering more than sports and entertainment," said Bruce Ratner, whose Forest City Ratner developed the Barclays Center.
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“Targeted incentives for investment and research and development, one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the G20 by 2015, and positive interventions like Funding for Lending, all help send a clear message that Britain is open for business.”
Liliana Baza and her family have a lot to celebrate on her Aug. 23 birthday. The soon-to-be 6-year-old, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Feb. 2012, has had her cancer go into remission.
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* The London Metal Exchange and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. have been named as co-defendants in a U.S. class-actionlawsuit alleging anticompetitive behaviour in aluminiumwarehousing, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) said.

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“I’ve never even seen it,” Alzamora says when asked about cocaine. “I don’t really know what it is.” But his unease leaves no doubt that he understands perfectly well that the mysterious white powder is trouble.
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"These strategies are constrained by the subtleties in trade-offs that are usually invisible or ignored in real markets. The study is a classic demonstration of Darwinian economics and survival of the fittest."
Further boosting its profile, "Lee Daniel's The Butler" topped the box office in its second weekend with $17 million, pushing its total to $52.3 million and becoming Daniel's most successful film in North America.
"This could be kind of a precedent for other municipalities. Anyone concerned about some other cities like Chicago, cities in California, what this could do is accelerate a trend where states begin to withdraw their support for cities," said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at BMO Private Bank in Chicago.
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Which is why their decline is so worrisome. Fewer vultures means more carcasses lying around, posing a greater risk to public health. With sanitation measures limited in Pakistan, roadkill and other dead stray animals — which could be carrying dangerous diseases like hepatitis — are often left to decay in the sunlight. Quick disposal of decaying meat is also important for limiting contamination of groundwater.

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Sources familiar with the situation said on Wednesday thatthe No. 2 Amagasaki plant, the last in operation, would beshuttered within months and that the company would take a 40billion yen impairment charge to cover the cost, likely out ofthe 120 billion yen earmarked for restructuring at the beginningof the year.
The Heathrow and Manchester incidents are a new blow forBoeing after the entire global fleet of Dreamliners had to begrounded for three months, ending in April, after one high-techbattery caught fire and another overheated.
Three years later, another battle rages. The warriors aretarred with unforgiving labels. The Republican's conservativeTea Party wing is the "weird caucus" to Senate Democratic leaderHarry Reid. Democrats, in turn, are the "political rulingclass," to Senator Mike Lee. In time, Reid's "Tea Partyanarchists" came up against Lee's "crony capitalists" who -according to Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama - happen tofavor "socialized medicine."
The iPad mini 2 will arrive after this week’s launch of the new Nexus 7 2, but will it gain a retina display and be worth the wait? As Google revamps the seven inch Nexus tablet with improved specs and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean system software, those who prefer the iPad mini will continue to have to wait. Prognosticators peg the iPad mini 2 as arriving any time from August to October, but customers who’ve made up their mind to wait may be more interested in learning just what it is they’re waiting for. And screen technology is vital.
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S&P 500 futures rose 17.8 points and were above fairvalue, a formula that evaluates pricing by taking into accountinterest rates, dividends and time to expiration on thecontract. Dow Jones industrial average futures rose 167points, and Nasdaq 100 futures added 35.3 points.

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