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It shouldnt matter if the 20 american indians you know dont find the term offensive. It shouldnt matter that the term was used by some American Indians themselves in the 18th and 19th century. It’s what the term REPRESENTS. Which would be a bloody, inhumane era in history in which indigineous people were hunted down, slaughtered, and removed from their homes. That’s not offensive??? RG3 is my and my family’s favorite player. Will I watch him play? Absolutely. Love the kid. Will I refer to the team as the Redskins? nope. And neither will my kids. Because we aren’t Redskins. We are On^yote? aka. (People of the Standing Stone-Oneida). And we are more of a mahogony color btw:) But to sit there and say that “this happen sooooo long ago, get over” is absolutely ridiculous. Ask my 100 year old grandmother if the memories of her being taken from her home by missionaries and placed into a boarding school where she was called Redskin and Squaw every day of her young life are gone now, where she was beaten for speaking our language…ask her if the term is ok with her. ps. I’m the farthest thing from a liberal politcal ranter as you can get. (psssttttt-I didn’t even vote for Obama either:) )

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Special Delivery kamagra oral jelly uk next day delivery Residents of a wealthy section of the Northeast state, whichincludes hedge-fund capital Greenwich, were warned it could beweeks before service returns to normal, with the railroad downto one-third of its normal capacity.
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He announced the papal advisory board of cardinals, a revolutionary step for a Church steeped in hierarchical tradition, a mere month after his election as the first non-European pope in 1,300 years and the first from Latin America.
While debate continues over the statistics and usefulness of drone strikes, Pakistanis say they have one very clear impact. “The people in tribal areas are becoming more anti-American, because of drone attacks, than the rest of the country,” said Mehmood Shah. “Some of them are even practically joining forces which are against the US.”
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Other researchers, including Robert Foss, director of the Center for the Study of Young Drivers at the University of North Carolina, maintain that the recent recession simply had a greater impact on young drivers than others. They had less money to purchase a car, less money to buy gas, or they couldn't find jobs to buy either, he says.

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The judge, Army Col. Denise R. Lind, could have sentenced him to up to 90 years after finding him guilty of 20 crimes, including several violations of the Espionage Act. The 25-year-old Manning, who was also dishonorably discharged, will be eligible for parole after serving one-third of his sentence, minus the three years he already spent in jail and the 112 days of "inhuman" treatment he was judged to have suffered in a Quantico brig.
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In late May, Bernanke told Congress a decision to scale backthe Fed's $85 billion per month stimulus could be taken at oneof its "next few meetings." He made the Fed's intentions evenclearer on June 19, when he spoke openly of the reduction andeventual end of the program, potentially by mid-2014.
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Lucien was and is a strong Francophile and an obvious testament to the continuing deep split and resentment between French and English-speaking Canadians. Even though fluent in English, with a strong French accent, he would insist on speaking in French to English speaking staff in hotels in Ontario, forcing them to acknowledge him as well as listen carefully to him. O Canada. Yet, Lucien was an equal opportunity recruiter and played no favorites, bringing in companies from Quebec and Ontario and other provinces alike.
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Li, nicknamed "Superman" by local media for his deal-making savvy, plans to exit the mature Hong Kong supermarket business to focus on investing in European infrastructure and telecom assets as global economic woes drive down prices, analysts said.

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Texas A&M: CB Deshazor Everett. Saturday will be Everett's first full game after he sat out the first half of Texas A&M's opener serving a suspension for violating team rules before drawing his targeting penalty and another suspension in the second half against Rice. He intercepted Alabama's A.J. McCarron near the end zone in the fourth quarter to help secure win by the Aggies last season.
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Nor is "achoo" universal - it's what English-speaking sneezers say. The French sneeze "atchoum". In Japan, it's "hakashun" and in the Philippines, they say "ha-ching".

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