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The size of the windfall is likely to anger some Microsoft investors, who will question how much of a contribution Mr Elop made to Nokia in his three years at the helm. He was parachuted in to turn around the ailing business, which used to dominate the world of mobiles but has floundered in recent years as it failed to keep pace with the new generation of smartphones from rivals such as Apple.
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Rodriguez would be suspended immediately for interfering with MLB’s year-long investigation into Biogenesis, the South Florida anti-aging clinic that allegedly supplied performance-enhancing drugs to the aging infielder and other players, and would later be hit with an additional suspension for violating baseball’s drug program.
Its title notwithstanding, Joshua Oppenheimer's film, shot in Indonesia, never shows a single moment of actual violence—only the spectacle of former gangsters and death-squad assassins recounting in interviews, then simulating in surreal re-enactments, how they helped to perpetrate wholesale slaughter in the mid-1960s, when a military dictatorship killed more than a million supposed communists, intellectuals and ethnic Chinese in the course of a single year. Why, at this late date, would these men be willing to come before the cameras? Because, as inveterate movie lovers, they like the idea of being in their own movie; because they're still hailed in some quarters of their nation as heroes, and because they're proud of what they did when they were young and feel their story needs to be told.
The results of those tests at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital will determine whether A-Rod, whose 20-day minor-league rehab assignment following January hip surgery ended Sunday, will remain on the disabled list or join the team in Texas to be activated from the DL for the first time this season.
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EU negotiators will push the finance issue in the latesttalks but disagreement threatens to undermine the trade pact'sambitions, with France having already won concessions that meancultural industries will be excluded from any deal.

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But its losses against the euro were likely to be checked ifeuro zone inflation data later in the session shows subduedprice pressures, as expected. That will add to the view that theEuropean Central Bank will keep interest rates low and may evencut them further to aid an economic recovery.
The church prepared for a prayer service Sunday evening. The Rev. Art Peterson said he met with Pritchett's family and counseled them. "It's rough. They're still in a state of shock, but they're coping," he said.
As in past years, Ballmer, unlike the other top executives, has asked not to receive stock awards as part of his compensation. He already owns about 333 million shares of Microsoft stock — about 4 percent of the outstanding shares.
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US consulates suffered attacks in different parts of Pakistan in the past, and Washington is still scarred by the memory of the attack last year on a diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.
"I think a lot of people are shocked about this," said Daniel Friedenzohn, associate professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla., who specializes in airline acquisitions and route planning.

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The Chinese commerce ministry said on Thursday that domesticconsumption is likely to recover in the fourth quarter, butwarned of slow external demand from emerging markets that couldpost a challenge to the country's trade.

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