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“We have a lot of great things that we are thinking about and working on, and there are multiple aspect ratios and sizes and awesome things to come from Surface,” was the answer of Panos Panay's, Microsoft VP responsible for the company’s Surface tablets, when asked about the details of the rumored Microsoft Surface Mini, according to
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By buying up bonds, the Fed has tried to lower long-term interest rates in the hopes of spurring economic activity. Lower long-term interest rates should encourage consumers and businesses to take out loans for everything from homes to new equipment.

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"We grabbed the data, and at panned-out view did not really see anything at first," Miller recalled. "But then, upon zooming in a bit, an oddly straight cloud feature popped out that did not look like typical meteorological clouds. It turned out to be the meteor trail!"
The U.S. Congress, struggling to avert a government shutdownnext week, was warned by the Obama administration on Wednesdaythat the Treasury was quickly running out of funds to paygovernment bills and could soon face a damaging debt default.
Calpers has fiercely opposed San Bernardino's quest forChapter 9 bankruptcy protection, because the city suspended its$1.2 million bimonthly payments to the fund for a year after itdeclared bankruptcy in August 2012.
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The announcement by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) waswelcomed by economists and came as G20 finance ministers andcentral bankers met in Moscow, where Japanese Finance MinisterTaro Aso described it as a step in the right direction.
As he expected, Dickens heard from animal-rights groups, such as Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He said the bulls will be well-tended. They will be provided by a professional rodeo company, they are used to crowds, and they will be handled by caretakers, he said. A veterinarian will be on site.

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Those arrested include American, Argentinian, Australian, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian, New Zealand, Swedish, Swiss, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Ukrainian citizens.
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As the enrollment period nears, the president is likely todevote increasing amounts of time and attention to promoting hisplan. The administration wants 2.7 million younger peoplebetween the ages of 18 and 35 who are currently uninsured tosign up for health coverage.
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In December last year, more remains were found in Rossan bog, Co Meath, of a body that's being called Moydrum Man. Isabella Mulhall says there are indications that it could be the same age as Cashel Man.
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The Department of Homeland Security, meanwhile, is maintaining most of its security functions, such as border patrol, cybersecurity, Travel Security Agency travel screenings, TSA air marshals, Coast Guard maritime security, and port security, according to its shutdown plan–pretty much everything you’d think to worry about, in terms of security-related federal employees.
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Inside, the Elmiraj has high-performance seats that are designed to support spirited driving, Cadillac said. The dash has backlit titanium trim with camel leather and wood trim from hand-picked fallen Brazilian rosewood. The car also has a large 10-inch, high-resolution touch screen for navigation and Internet connectivity. The screen can be hidden in the instrument panel when not in use.

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WASHINGTON—The Labor Department on Friday proposed a long-delayed rule to lower workers’ exposure to crystalline silica, a potentially deadly dust that is a common component in construction materials.
New products on offer include products including a trifle made with Amontillado sherry syrup, Aberdeen Angus beef steaks and Anglesey pure sea salt. The relaunch is being supported by sponsorship of Downton Abbey.
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Congress is considering proposals for a radical overhaul and even the outright elimination of Fannie and Freddie. Instead of leaping into the unknown, however, why not test the premise on which any reform rests: that private capital is ready to resume its primary role in providing mortgage credit to U.S. homebuyers through a robust secondary market?
The NSA's surveillance programs target foreigners outside the United States who pose potential threats to U.S. security or who can provide intelligence for foreign policies. But the secret projects also scooped up huge amounts of American data, according to documents leaked by Snowden, triggering sharp criticism from many lawmakers and civil liberties advocates.
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The Fed said it wants more evidence of solid economic growthbefore beginning to withdraw its stimulus. Data on Thursdayshowed factory activity in the U.S. mid-Atlantic regionincreased by the most in more than two years and firms' optimismabout the future hit a 10-year high.

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Two of the most controversial changes at the gurudwara have been the lock on the front door and a security guard who stands watch on Sunday mornings. The security measures have troubled some who see them as contrary to the fundamental Sikh philosophy of being open and welcoming to all.
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The chancellor and Schaeuble earned much voter admiration for their firm handling of the euro zone crisis and 72 percent of Germans want the 71-year-old to stay in the post he has held since 2009, according to the poll by Forsa institute.
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"We have to respect the process," A-Rod has said again and again and again during his minor-league rehab assignments every time he has been asked about his ties to Anthony Bosch and Biogenesis, his way of saying he doesn't want to answer any questions about Biogenesis.
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Sanofi Pasteur, in Swiftwater, Pa., last year began widely marketing Fluzone Intradermal, a vaccine that is injected with a microneedle into the skin, rather than a normal injection into the muscle. It is available to adults ages 18 to 64.
93 per cent of the 2,070 respondents said they were ‘extremely likely’ to recommend the hospital to their nearest and dearest, with just 2.1 per cent saying they were ‘unlikely’ or ‘extremely unlikely’ to do so.

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"DOC CIRT assumed EDA performed an independent analysis to identify additional infected components (even though EDA lacked the necessary capabilities) and assumed EDA was now dealing with a widespread malware infection," the IG report said.
Galal took the last government of Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in a popular uprising in early 2011, to task for carving out special deals to please its supporters, such as land allocations and large contracts.
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"The writers invoked the 1914 assassination that set off World War I and of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, declaring, 'Local tragedies become regional wars that explode into global conflict because of breakdowns in communication.'"
He was quoted on Supercell's blog as saying the acquisitionwas part of its "quest to become the #1 mobile Internetcompany", showing his ambition to expand further beyond its mainwireless and Internet services business.
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"I can handle a full load, there's no question," he said. "I'd be hurting the next day. I'm not going to lie about that. But I can definitely handle a full workload if I needed to. Whatever they ask me, I'm ready to go."

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Salma Hayek is a girl with a good wardrobe. Being married to billionaire François-Henri Pinault (he's the chief executive of Kering which owns brands like Christopher Kane, Stella McCartney and Gucci) means she knows a thing or two about high end fashion.
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In the last few decades, a growing number of hobbyistsflooded the market with flawless restoration pieces andrestoration experts exhausted every possibility fortechnological improvement. But now more and more collectors areprizing original untouched cars known as "barn finds" - vintagevehicles that had been locked up and forgotten for a halfcentury or more.
Philip Maloney from University of Colorado said, “There’s loads of ultraviolet coming from massive stars in the Milky Way… but only a few percent of it escapes. The rest is trapped by gas clouds inside our galaxy.”
Egypt's future trajectory rests not only on the policies of Egypt's current military leaders, but also on the strategy adopted by the Muslim Brotherhood. Even before the army cleared protesters from their strongholds in the streets of Cairo and began arresting those Brotherhood leaders who were still at large, there were reports of generational divisions in the organization.
Starting the day 10 strokes back, McIlroy put on a masterclass tee-to-green but endured another difficult day on the greens as he signed for a four-under-par 67 and was left wondering what might have been.

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"Chinese growth figures, which were no worse than expected,set the scene for the market in early trading, while Citigroupresults further improved sentiment," Keith Bowman, equityanalyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said.
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James Angel, a Georgetown University finance professor who sits on the board of rival exchange operator Direct Edge, said Nasdaq appeared to take steps to ensure that trading reopen in an orderly fashion and with correct pricing.
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Fernandez, who was re-elected in 2011 on promises ofincreasing the role of government in Latin America's No. 3economy, is also embroiled in a legal battle against holdoutbond investors who declined to participate in Argentina's 2005and 2010 debt restructurings and are suing for full repayment.
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A target-date fund would give you that more conservative tilt. But with complicated finances that make diversifying difficult -- such as company stock, outside IRAs, or a spouse's plan -- you're a candidate for a managed account. Make sure the fee is reasonable -- no more than 0.5% of assets.
"We found that a large number of the bigger galaxies instead switch off at later times, joining their smaller quenched siblings and giving the mistaken impression of individual galaxy growth over time,"co-author Simon Lilly, of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, said in a statement.

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Giving judgement in Re J (a child) [2013] EWHC 2694 (Fam) on 5 September, Sir James Munby (pictured) said ’there is a pressing need for more transparency, indeed for much more transparency, in the family justice system’. He also warned family practitioners defending themselves against allegations of secrecy by emphasising the word ’private’  is a ’semantic point… more attractive to lawyers than to others’.
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The refining industry has railed against the Renewable FuelsStandard (RFS) for years but have been especially vocal sincethe start of the year. The RFS directs refiners to blend ethanolinto motor fuels and establish ethanol credits
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The departure of Ackman is a major change in the ownership structure of the company. Pershing Square Capital had been the top single investor in the firm, holding nearly 18% of the shares outstanding, says S&P Capital IQ. After the sale, the largest owner will become Perry Capital, with its 16 million shares, or 7.3% of shares outstanding.
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The North American plan has been criticised by groups likeIndustriALL that think the European-led agreement is stronger,as it uses a binding arbitration process that will beenforceable in the courts of the country where a company isdomiciled.

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