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Once a source of tremendous tax revenue for the Shady Side Ohio, it  now sits idle, as do 130 others, or one-sixth of the coal-fired plants in the U.S. Most are victims of stringent new EPA regulations that sealed their fate.

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Consumer sentiment as tracked by the leading Gfk/NOP indicator for the European Commission will pick up from a reading of -21 last month to -19, predicts Howard Archer, chief UK economist at IHS Insight. That would be the strongest reading in years from the survey, which averaged -29 last year, albeit below long-term norms.

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In certain, limited, circumstances HMRC will give up tax under the provisions of “extra-statutory concession A19” where it has failed to act on information it has received and, because of this, an underpayment of tax has arisen, as happened here. HMRC acknowledges that it held information on its records about your pension and your employment starting in 2007 but failed to make proper use of it.

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Douglas McWilliams from the Centre for Economics and Business Research is speaking to Radio 4 about the US debt ceiling row: "I put the blame, unlike a lot of commentators, much more on the Democrats," he says.
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U.S. District Judge William Sessions in Vermont sentenced McLaurin to 15 months in prison and five years of supervised release. As part of the conditions for release, McLaurin was ordered to submit to penile plethysmography.
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The Royals could work on a long-term deal with Ervin Santana. They could make a qualifying offer and either have him again next season or receive a compensation draft pick. Or, as Sam Mellinger writes, general manager Dayton Moore can trade Santana now, spend the money this winter on someone else, save about $4 million in salary this season and get pieces that will help next year.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo Whitesaid the agency was looking into whether banks should be allowedto own such assets as oil tankers and metal warehouses, whilealso trading in related commodities.
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Chervin said the differences were quite noticeable. “At least anecdotally, I would see patients in clinic who were compliant with treatment saying they certainly felt better, but they also looked better.”

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“There’s clearly abusive corruption, very corrosive, toxic corruption that’s taking place. And it is a priority,” said Lavoy who added that the Pentagon believes dealing with corruption is a top priority for the Afghan government.
The USDA said on Monday that it was still trying todetermine how MON71800 wheat came to be in the Oregon field andto determine the extent of its presence. It said itsinvestigation includes a review of all the authorizations forMonsanto's field tests of the GMO wheat and the related fieldtest reports.
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Booraem said he speaks with hundreds of executives everyyear to press Vanguard's views behind the scenes. He said heoften tells them that as an index fund manager, "We're going tobe practically permanent shareholders. We're not going away."
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In what the charity Breast Cancer Campaign called the most comprehensive review of research on the subject ever carried out, the authors identified 10 areas where more action was needed – but held out the prospect that breast cancer could be “overcome” within 40 years if its recommendations were followed.
"You are not in a position to say: This isn't fun anymore sowe will leave. You have contracts, obligations, billions ofdollars worth of investments," said a senior executive of amajor energy company working in Egypt. "We don't believe Egyptis going to go the Syria route." (Addiional reporting by Dmitry Zhdannikov in London, editing byWilliam Hardy)

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The publishing company controlled by Rupert Murdoch,reported on Friday that annual revenue grew 2.7 percent toalmost $8.9 billion on a rise in circulation and subscriptionrevenue. (Compiled by Avik Das in Bangalore; Editing by Don Sebastian)
Children with spinal muscular atrophy who received the twohighest doses of the drug (6 mg and 9 mg) continued to showimprovements in muscle function tests up to 14 months after asingle injection of the drug codenamed ISIS-SMNRx.
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In a declaratory judgment on Friday, state Judge RosemarieAquilina ordered Orr to withdraw the bankruptcy petition, sayingthe state law that allowed Snyder to approve the bankruptcyfiling violated the Michigan constitution. The governor cannottake actions that would violate constitutional protectionscovering retirement benefits for public workers, she said.
The White House said that with time running out until theU.S. borrowing limit is reached on Thursday, Obama will makeclear the need for Congress to act and stress he will not beforced into concessions by conservative Tea Party House members.
Net income came to $287 million, or $1.40 a share, in thesecond quarter, compared with $306 million, or $1.54 a share, ayear earlier. US Airways plans to merge with AMR Corp's American Airlines this year to form the world'sbiggest airline.

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The prime minister said the 2008 banking crisis had brought the UK economy "to the brink" and it would be irresponsible not to put money aside for a "rainy day" when the economy improved.
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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated a three-year deferral put in place in 2011 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that temporarily exempted paper and wood product manufacturers and ethanol producers from curbing the release of greenhouse gases.
Charles Haresnape who is in charge of residential mortgages at Aldermore Bank (one of the smaller banks offering Help to Buy mortgages) tells Radio 5 Live that the scheme will "stimulate the housing market", without "overcooking" it.
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Investment banks have a long history of employing thechildren of China's politically connected. While close ties totop government officials is a boon to any banking franchiseacross the world, it's especially beneficial in China, whererelationships and personal connections play a critical role inbusiness decisions.
Ms Maynard said: "Changing attitudes is at the heart of legacy. The Paralympics were a breakthrough moment. Disabled people had never been so visible. Disability had never been talked about so openly but you don't change society in a fortnight. "Speak to disabled people and the same issue comes up: 'benefit scrounger' rhetoric; the divisive myth that most people on benefits are skivers. Disabled people say they feel like they've done something wrong, because they need support to do the same things as everyone else."

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As Congress bickered over ways to end the shutdown in the U.S. Capitol just a mile down Pennsylvania Avenue, Obama seemed to point to the contrast between Swenson’s selflessness and the self-serving calculations of lawmakers.
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The failure of Tubarão Azul caused a selloff in OGX shareslast year and led to the collapse in share price of othercompanies controlled by Eike Batista, the tycoon whose energy,mining, shipbuilding and port ventures are all in the process ofrestructuring.
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"I actually think what the government did was good," says Jesse Banwait, a Re/Max Legacy Realty Inc. agent in Toronto. "We saw a lot of buyers entering the market and getting preapproved financing when they shouldn't have been."
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Others including Pfizer, AstraZeneca andSanofi have also slashed staff numbers in recent yearsdue to slowing sales growth, often due to competition fromcheaper generic medicines - many of which are made by Teva.
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"The government contends that the district court erred in refusing to impose the minimum five-year prison term … on the ground that applying such a punishment to this immature 19-year-old defendant would violated the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause," a panel of three 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judges said in a written opinion.

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The team had to use eye tracking equipment to see exactly where the participants were looking when they shown the images, which revealed they actually spent more time looking at the body when the faces were not clear enough.
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The article fails to mention that a majority of mosquito species do not bite humans at all, and include key pollinators and the bulk of prey for many, many insect-eating animals. We can't wipe out the inconvenient ones without wiping out the rest and causing an unfathomable chain reaction.
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The Italian airport of Bergamo was named the second least appealing, where it said there were "people loafing around without T-shirts or shoes as if they were in their homes and no one gives a hoot".
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The Delta rocket, topped with the sixth Wideband Global Satcom, or WGS, spacecraft lifted off at 8:29 p.m. EDT and soared out over the Atlantic Ocean, illuminated by the setting sun, as it headed into space.
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At JPMorgan, Rose led the bank's global investment banking and global equities divisions. De Weck had most recently served as global head of private wealth management at Deutsche Bank until his retirement in 2012.

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It was unclear if he had the same perk at the Soho Grand, but the source said the small fires would also temporarily close the bars and nightclubs inside the hotels — reducing Barbosa’s work load considerably.
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"This is typical Alex," one source told the Daily News earlier this year. "Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he blames everybody else. It wasn't the Yankees who introduced him to (Biogenesis founder) Anthony Bosch. It wasn't the Yankees who introduced him to (HGH guru Anthony) Galea, or anybody else."
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"However, it is also important that women with high-risk pregnancies have immediate access to specialist services should complications or emergencies arise during labor," Dr. Tony Falconer, the president of the RCOG, said. "It is recognized that it is not always possible to identify those women who will develop complications either in pregnancy or in labor and multi-disciplinary teams are vital to ensure the best possible care is provided for both mother and baby."
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ah, so the US ignores Iran’s victims? what is more normal; Sadam Husein was a US ally and in one way or another the US helped finance his chemical weapons, either through military subsidies, or via oil purchases, etc.
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The freshly-elected moderate Rohani took steps to brighten prospects, saying: “Iran poses absolutely no threat to the world or the region. In fact, in ideas and practice, my country has been a harbour of justice and comprehensive security.”

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