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"A universal conversation is difficult by definition. It is difficult because of the way in which it forces us constantly to re-examine where we began. And yet that corporate project of speaking to one another, learning from one another as human beings, is something precious beyond measure.
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“I’m willing to work with Republicans to simplify our tax code for businesses large and small, but only if we take the money we save by transitioning to a simpler tax system and make a significant investment in creating good, middle-class jobs,” Obama said. “We can put construction workers back on the job rebuilding our infrastructure. We can boost manufacturing, so more American companies can sell their products around the world. And we can help our community colleges arm our workers with the skills they need in a global economy–all without adding a dime to the deficit.”
The Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath MP made his views known at an event in Glasgow organised by United With Labour - the party's campaign to persuade people to vote against independence in next year's referendum.
The victims were close friends and top students, looking forward to spending a few weeks at a Christian summer camp in California, where they planned to practice English and boosting their chances of attending a U.S. college.
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While acknowledging the Daily Mail - which has a circulation of more than 1.8 million - was a "popular" newspaper, he suggested many of its readers agreed with him that it had "overstepped the mark".

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Other bills seek to restrict ammunition sales and who can legally possess firearms. California lawmakers went further than other states, notably New York, in passing bills responding to last year's mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, and Aurora, Colorado.
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It’s time for Assad to step aside, Let the people decide what form of leader(DICTATOR) they want…if he is guilty of war crimes so be it,they all are,and we will never know,unless there is video,I dont think so.
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The company reiterated that it expected sales growth for the year to be around 1 percent in local currency terms, with EPS rising by between 3 and 4 percent. It said there had been encouraging progress with its pipeline of new drugs but austerity pressures in Europe were likely to continue.
The legislation – drafted by Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) and Frank Wolf (R-Va.) – was approved with 402 votes in favor and 21 Republicans and one Democrat against.The bill, if approved by the Senate, would create a special office within the State Department for an envoy who could become an advocate for religious minorities.
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The legislation would allow high tech companies to jump intolawsuits filed against their customers. This means that acompany that makes Wi-Fi equipment could defend a bakery accusedof infringing Wi-Fi patents by simply installing a router.

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The US state of Florida has unwittingly made the use of smartphones, tablets, PCs and any other device that can connect to the internet illegal, claims an internet cafe owner whose business was forcibly shut down by the ban. She has filed a lawsuit against the state that illustrates how a recent bill to cut down on internet gambling is so hastily written as to outlaw all connected devices.
Naval Sea Systems Command said the Raytheon contractincluded engineering and design work that would lead to apreliminary design review and would culminate with testing andacceptance of the new AMDR S-band radar and a new radarcontroller after testing in Hawaii.
U.K. policy makers acknowledge that the economic recovery will be weaker and take longer than is usual following a recession, identifying the damage done to the banking sector as one of the main restraints on growth.
But whether such a sale is feasible, remains unclear.Hamburg's citizens on Sunday decided the city should buy backthe grid and Berlin will have a similar poll in November. Vattenfall's concessions for both grids end in late 2014 and apositive vote could make to harder to extend those, with Hamburgalready saying it could set up its own grid operator.
Tim Phillips, manager of the Fresno Mosquito and Vector Control District, said the new finds are alarming and that authorities need the public’s help in prompt reporting to help the district eradicate the pest before it gets a foothold. Residents are asked to report mosquito bites received during the day, and report any mosquitoes that match the description: brown with white markings.

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"The Bachelor is such a cool experience because people at home feel like they know us and they're invested in our relationship," Lowe said on "GMA." "We have no problem sharing the actual wedding with everyone who has been with us so far."
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“When I was a kid I read about Fonthill Abbey,” he says, “where the author William Beckford had the largest cabinet of curiosities in the world. And I dreamed of one day driving myself broke creating a strange place of my own.”
Deep down, men may not bask in the glory of their successful wives or girlfriends. While this is not true of women, men's subconscious self-esteem may be bruised when their spouse or girlfriend excels, says a study published ...
I’d say that the overseas 6-13 episode model followed by a break increases the desire for the show since you don’t get burned out during the season. Obviously writing and acting has a big part in determining whether people hang around, but I think you see far more buzz and discussion around shows that use this model in the UK than you do shows that use the longer format.
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Current plans call for Lockheed's production of the F-35 totriple from the 36 planes ordered in the sixth batch of jets fordelivery in fiscal 2014. By the fiscal 2018, Lockheed is slatedto be delivering around 110 planes a year, according togovernment documents.

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Prosecutors held a press conference in the Paris suburb, at which France's Interior Minister Manuel Valls was present, to discuss the haul, an Interior Ministry spokesman said by phone today. He declined to confirm details reported by the newspaper, referring calls to prosecutors, who couldn't immediately be reached.
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Flabbergasting as this system may be in its accuracy and subtlety, I wasn’t altogether convinced its artificial intelligence was sharper than my own would have been in selecting the right gear if I’d had the choice.
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Baseball hired former U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan as part of its investigation into Biogenesis after the Miami New Times newspaper reported in January that some 20 players including Rodriguez had purchased banned substances from the clinic.
The journal shows Stevens was grateful to be back in Benghazi and eagerly watching democracy slowly sprouting in the northern African nation. He had last visited Benghazi nine months before when he snuck in the country in the midst of the popular uprising against dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
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I work in this building, and the protesters were atrociously inconsiderate to everyone who works there. The building is ten stories, and houses many companies and organizations. In a wheelchair and need lunch? Tough luck, these guys barricaded anyone who couldn't use the stairs inside. Nursing Mom starved after pumping milk; tough, you need to walk down nine flights of stairs.

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While there was clear evidence for the first time that the court transcripts are being carefully edited, the testimony of the fourth day revealed the moments leading up to Mr Wang's flight, in apparent fear for his life, to seek the protection of the United States consulate.
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The Obama administration used the U.N. nuclear agency's annual member state gathering in September to underline its commitment to "pursuing the peace and security" of a world without nuclear weapons, saying it had taken significant steps toward that goal. 2019
More is to come through initial public offerings (IPOs),Blackstone said. At the end of the third quarter, 31 percent ofBlackstone's private equity assets and only 1 percent of realestate investment assets were public. But if the companies onfile go public at current valuations on paper, private equityassets will be nearly 50 percent public and real estate will be40 percent public, Blackstone chief financial officer LaurenceTosi said on the call.
Salzgitter's stock, which is down more than 25 percent sofar this year, was down 9.8 percent at 25.97 euros by 0954 GMT.It was the biggest decliner on Germany's mid-cap index,which was 0.2 percent firmer.
Authorities accused Braszczok of looking on as fellow bikers forced the SUV to stop, smashed the side windows, dragged the driver out and beat and stomped him. Then, according to the prosecutor, Braszczok smashed a rear window where the baby sat. It took the detective three days before admitting he was at the scene, but only after investigators identified him on video.

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It’s also a pretty big money saver. Taxis are pricey for one, and here in Cardiff it costs at least £4 just for the honour of being picked up past midnight. Do that more than once a week, and there’s a substantial hole in your pocket already. Then there’re tickets, if you’re considering one of the classier establishments or a big night at your student union; costing you another £3-5. Then booze; pre-drinks at £5 a bottle of vodka, plus a costly mixer at your chosen club and the inevitable round (or five) of Jaegerbombs. Total that all up and we’re looking at a fair few pennies, especially if done more than once a week. And we haven’t even looked at the cost of new clothes to get all glammed up in, or the panic buying that goes with themed club nights.
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“We’re not looking for him to come back in September or pitch in the fall league,” Alderson said. “We’ll deal with that as we get into the rehabilitation process, but if he has surgery this month, there is plenty of time to be ready for 2015.”
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The 19-year-old Bieber checked in at midtown’s swanky Langham Place on his “Believe” tour at the start of the week, and throngs of screaming girls camped outside the hotel trying to get a glimpse of him. A hotel guest says that when Bieber’s not partying at clubs, he’s been ordering Frosted Mini-Wheats via room service at all hours of the day.
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"He is a retired Spaniard who owns two flats here in Kenitra," Krayri, who is a member of Morocco's Human Rights Association, told Reuters. He said he had filed a complaint against Galvan three years ago when activists showed him discs containing footage of the Spaniard and his victims.
A timeless classic. Within seconds of handing over the console controller to a pal it was inevitable that he or she would rev up the engine and plough the car bonnet into the nearest innocent bystander. Be it on pavements, pedestrian crossings or grassy lawns there was no escape for GTA's members of the public. The real challenge would then be to see who could inflict the goriest death.

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Wilson, who was on the panel with co-stars and co-creator Conan O’Brien, also elaborated on the self-deprecating humor in the series. “The purpose of the show, to me, is to really inspire girls who don’t think they’re cool, or popular or pretty and all that, to get out there and [prove] that they can have fun and exciting lives, too. I think in order to do that, we have to present a very realistic version of what it’s like to be girl who looks like me and isn’t the coolest….there are some very sad storylines coming down the pipe, but I think we have to present that so that when we present the wins for my character it’s far more gratifying.”
"This level of improvement is unlikely to be sustained, and we expect the weak global economic backdrop and rising energy prices to result in a modest widening in the deficit in the coming months," said Millan Mulraine, senior economist at TD Securities in New York.
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Bayer's MaterialScience unit, also a maker oftransparent plastics, and Brussels-based chemicals firm Solvay cut their profit forecasts last month. BASF said reaching its full-year target had become more challenging.
The company expects to reach 10 million total U-versesubscribers by the end of the third quarter and expects consumerwireline revenue growth for the third quarter to be consistentwith second quarter 2013.
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The law prohibits any of the money to promote the "legalization or practice" of prostitution or sex trafficking, and required the groups funded by the law to have an explicit policy against prostitution, according to The Washington Post.

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Merkel's Christian Democrats and the SPD appear headed for a showdown over tax policy and bellwether cabinet positions, including the influential finance ministry now led by Merkel ally Wolfgang Schaeuble.
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"Judge Engelhardt may be frustrated by the Justice Department's respect for the reporters' privilege in this case, but that privilege exists to promote the flow of important information to the public. A refusal to recognize the privilege would surely cause significant sources of information to dry up, to the great detriment of all of us," said David Schulz of the firm Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz.
After the obligatory visit to the island’s main historic sight, the ruined-yet-still-epic stone fortress of Hammershus castle on the rocky northern tip of the island, we head east to our home for the next three days, a guesthouse – formerly a farm – in the conjoined villages of Allinge-Sandvig.
Stories of people's online photos being used for nefarious purposes are easy to find: A soldier's photo was stolen off MySpace, posted by scam artists under a fake account and used to con one woman out of thousands of dollars. One blogger found her family's photo being used as an advertisement in the Czech Republic. Another mother's photo of her 4-year-old was pulled off Flickr and posted on a Brazilian social networking site where it was rated for "sexiness."
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I came through when they’d dropped down into League One. Again, that’s more of an opportunity to come through. They put a lot of faith in young players and that’s the most important thing. But I see that at Arsenal.

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Bizarrely, the manual doesn't mention what version of Android the phone will run, although we're going to put our money on Google's unannounced Android 4.4 Kitkat version. The features of this iteration are still to be announced. uae
But dollar stores just keep opening. Dollar General operates close to 11,000 stores. Dollar Tree is nearing 7,000, and Family Dollar plans to add nearly 500 new locations to its 7,800 store base in the remainder of this year alone.
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"Brightmoor has not come out favorably in conversationsabout the future of Detroit," the Brightmoor Alliance's Mayessaid. "Our actions are fueled by urgency because if we don'tmake a mark with our own vision we could become a throwawaycommunity."
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He laments the “brain drain” that drives many fellow graduates out of town. “I think they should stay here and be the ones creating the jobs themselves. That’s what we’re doing with the Bindery.”
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The petition, which people knowledgeable about the content said was sent to the presidential office and to parliament in late August, adds to the unease among some defense experts that the selection of the Boeing aircraft may sacrifice air defense capabilities because of cost concerns.

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